Dan working on Kingston Pipe Project and Sequim Bay Park Sewer By-pass
I became extremely interested in JPUD #1 four years ago while campaigning for County Commissioner. During my campaign back in 2014, I started attending many meetings across the political and community spectrums. I still regularly attend many organizational, governmental and economic related meetings within the county. However, the PUD really caught my attention.
I joined the PUD Citizens Advisory Board in 2015 and spent two years on that board learning a lot about the PUD history, operations, policies and staff. I have regularly attended PUD workshops, public meetings and hearings as well as Citizen Advisory Board and Board of Commissioner meetings for the past four years. JPUD has gone through some rough water and still needs help setting a steady course.
I possess the aptitude, disposition, as well as life and work experience skill sets that are a good fit for a PUD Commissioner.
I will work to help the PUD to be more accountable to its customers, improve the reliability and affordability of service and always insure that the PUD is approachable and transparent to the community it serves.
The voters of District 3 and Jefferson County deserve commissioners who can listen to all points of view, give timely and informative responses to questions and concerns then apply that information to form PUD policies or solutions. Citizens and businesses expect and deserve answers as well as due process because they are the owners and the customers of JPUD. To those owners I would ask; know how the issues and the candidates may ultimately affect your personal liberty, your pocket book, family or business not just today, but for years into the future. Insist on factual information based on legitimate research, backed by real law and demand accountability.
I look forward to discussing the issues with you as I earn your trust and your vote.
I look forward to discussing the issues with you as I earn your trust and your vote.
Thank you
Dan Toepper